Sunday, December 13, 2009

Performances 6 & 7

This weekend was the last for our performances.

Our Friday night house was very large. There were about 21 reservations, and probably close to 40 people in the audience. The performance itself went exceedingly well.

The Saturday night audience, for our last show, was small, but seemed to enjoy it greatly.

We've received dozens of compliments on the show. The audiences really seemed to love the performance.

It is tradition for the cast to give a gift to the director, and for the director to give the cast gifts.
Phil gave the girls necklaces, and the guys received a book.

For Phil, we decided to get creative. Todd made sticker labels reading "George & Martha's Home Brewed Bergin", as well as a label listing humorous ingredients. There was also a blank label, which all of us signed. Between Act Two and Three, I go on stage to grab the brandy bottle. On Saturday, I also took the Jim Beam bottle with me. Nerissa helped me peel the label from the bottle, and I placed all three new labels on backstage. We gave Phil his gift after the show. He got a great laugh out of it, and was very happy.

Overall, the show was a success. Our audiences were very small, however, those who did come seemed quite satisfied.

Personally, I have mixed feelings about the show being over. I am happy to not be spending mass amounts of time in the theater after long hours of school and work. On the other hand, I will greatly miss being with the actors every night, laughing at little mistakes on stage and talking in our free time.