Monday, December 7, 2009

Performances 3, 4, & 5

Once performances begin, regular rehearsals end.

Instead, a "brush-up" rehearsal is held the night before the show. They are used to refresh the minds of the actors. Some directors run the entire show, and some only run lines. Usually, they are not taken seriously. It gives the actors a chance to play around a bit and have some fun with their lines for once. As long as they know what they're supposed to do for the show, these brush-ups are still very beneficial, regardless of the amount of fun being had.

For our Thursday night brush-up, the actors ran lines. Phil injured his tooth, and left rehearsal in my hands. Dave was in Pittsburgh, so I also read his lines.

The Friday night performance went very well. The crowd was very small, however, they were extremely responsive.

The preparation for the performance was a little more complicated. The jug of tea I use to fill the alcohol bottles got cracked on the bottom. I had to fill the bottles while tea leaked all over the floor. It made quite a mess. Then, as I was picking up bottles to put them on the bar, I dropped one of them. Luckily, it did not break. It did spill all over the floor underneath the bar though. Todd had taken home the glasses to wash them in the dishwasher the night before, which is the only thing that saved me time-wise.

The Saturday night performance also went very well. There were only about 15 people in the house. Everyone on stage, however, said it felt as if we had a full house because of how energetic everyone was.

Sunday was our matinee. The show began at 2:15 instead of 8:15.
The crowd was miniscule, with around 10 people. They seemed to enjoy it greatly though.

There was a small mishap during the performance. Before the show, Phil gets on stage to make an introduction speech that informs the audience of where the exits are, the upcoming performance, and to turn their cell phones off. Abbey turned the lights on stage all the way out, instead of partway, and the actors were signaled to go on. Phil wasn't on stage when this happened thankfully.

All in all, this weekend's performances went well on stage. Unfortunately, the audiences have all been very small. Hopefully next weekend, our last weekend, will bring in more people.

NOTE: I apologize for the lack of pictures in this update. There isn't much to photograph backstage during the show, and so, I didn't take any pictures this week.