Friday, November 27, 2009

Tech Week

Tech week, in my opinion, is the most hectic week of a show.

Within one week, the set was completed, the lights were set, the music was set, the programs were made, the props were finalized, the costumes were finished, and the actors went off book.

The set was designed by Richard Steigerwald, and completed by Richard, Ed Ramage, Jason Sakal, Jim Snyder, Emily Anderson, Todd Fox, Debbie Ormston, Jessi Surdyk, and Bill Fuller.

Brian Pulito was named producer for the show.

Jessi Surdyk helped adjust our light settings after they were set by Richard.

Sharon Matthews acquired costumes for the entire cast.

We were in the Meadville Tribune, Erie Times, and the Go Crawford County newsletter.

Thursday night was the first night that the cast worked through the show completely on their own. There were a lot of slip-ups, but everyone was able to cover up for each other when it was necessary. Luckily, the audience doesn't have a script.

There were some minor difficulties this week. The first night of rehearsal was canceled due to Dave being ill. Todd, Abbey, Nerissa, and I searched the prop room for items to go on the bookshelves.

On Wednesday night, I cut my knuckle open on a chipped glass while cleaning.
And, on Thursday night, the speaker at stage right started working incorrectly. Of course, it's the speaker that's most important for the show during Act Two.

Despite the issues, the show will go well. I have confidence in everyone's abilities.

Tonight is opening night! Break legs!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Rehearsals - Week Five

This week was a continuation of preparation for the show.

The cast continued to perfect their blocking, while more intricate details were added.

The set is being constructed, and the cast is getting used to maneuvering about it.

Sunday night, I brought in a friend of mine named Abbey. She expressed an interest in theater work. I decided to have her run lights for the show. My friend Megan, who is very skilled with the light board, is going to be her trainer. The lights have not been set up yet, but it seemed logical to bring her into the theater and get her used to long nights.

Only a little under a week until opening night....